Right, Blue Eyes White Dragon. The early star of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series, Blue Eyes White Dragon is an 8 * monster (you don't say!!) Dragon type monster with a Light attribute. It has a solid attack and defense with no effect. People don't like playing it, but it can be a nasty card if used well.
It has a range of combos but we'll start with the most obvious.
A staple in just about every BEWD deck, Kaibaman is a 2 *, Light, Warrior monster with a great effect. It says: "You can Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Blue Eyes White Dragon" from your hand." It works. That's all I'm saying. But it's stats suck (200/700).
Paladin of White Dragon
Another card that works effectively like Kaibaman except it's got better stats, a nice effect and it's a ritual monster. It's a 4 *, Light, Dragon-Ritual-Effect monster with fair stats for a 4 * monster. It does require a 4 * ritual tribute though. One of it's effects means you sacrifice it and then search your deck/hand for a BEWD and Special Summon it. BEWD can't attack that turn. It's a good support card for the deck. I give it 2.9/5 in a BEWD deck (needs the ritual).
Kaiser Sea Horse
Again, another BEWD support card that is like Kaibaman only it's less rare, has better stats, and can't be tributed the turn it's played. Not as good as Kaibaman.
Burst Stream of Destruction
A spell card that combos well with BEWD/PoWD. Destroys all of your opponent's monsters as long as you have Blue Eyes in play. Not too difficult to find. Play 2.
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
A powerhouse with 4500/3800 stats. A fusion monster that requires 3 BEWD to fuse. Play 1/2 to destroy annoying cards with high atk.
Luster dragon can be played in a BEWD deck as a good 4 * monster and a handy tribute for PoWD.
BEWD rating: 8/10 Plenty of good support cards, solid stats and a powerhouse fusion.